
Category 1


December 5, 2021

Work life balance (US vs Denmark)

This week on What The Denmark - we have something a little different. We want to start getting the perspectives of Danish people who have an international presence to understand how being Danish has influenced their life. For our first, we chose tech entrepreneur David Heinemeier Hansson.

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This week on What The Denmark - we have something a little different.

We want to start getting the perspectives of Danish people who have an international presence to understand how being Danish has influenced their life. For our first, we chose tech entrepreneur David Heinemeier Hansson.

We thought it would be fun to do an interview in a nice setting, and so set up a partnership with Hotel d'Angleterre (the Ritz Hotel of Denmark) to record our interview in our of their suites.

It was, as you might expect, very nice!

The episode covers lots of interesting topics from David's life journey and experience living in both the US and now Denmark (again). Including:

  • How Denmark is a country made for kids compared the US
  • The American "enthusiasm for newness"
  • The Danish conservatism (both positives and negatives)
  • The effects of the lack of societal hierarchy in Denmark
  • How Basecamp's company philosophy is inherently shaped by David's Danish upbringing
  • What Denmark can learn from the world
  • What the world can learn from Denmark

David was really engaging throughout, and brought up a lot of themes we've been discussing on the show based on his own experiences from living in different countries.

Do be sure to listen!

Side note: if you know another "famous Dane" that might be a good guest on the show - let us know!

Video teaser

Our team (mainly Andreas) made the following short video if you'd like to get a flavour for the interview

Thank yous

Thank you to the wonderful Hotel d'Angleterre for hosting us for the recording. If you ever visit Copenhagen, try to go there.

Learn more about David via: https://dhh.dk/

Learn more about What The Denmark via @whatthedenmark on Instagram

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