What The Denmark is a podcast on a mission to resolve cultural confusion in Denmark.
Each week co-hosts Sam Floy and Josefine Volqvartz take on a new topic that seems peculiar as an outsider in Denmark. We speak to experts and a diverse range of people in Denmark to understand the root of why something normal in Danish culture is confusing to outsiders.
Denmark is one of the hardest places to settle in as a foreigner.
(Most) Danes are lovely people, however, elements of Danish culture mean it’s difficult as an outsider to feel welcome. Many Danes want to build more diverse relationships but struggle to do so.
We believe that a high-quality podcast that takes an inquisitive approach to Danish culture gives curious Danes the opportunity to reflect on their own culture, and internationals a practical understanding of how to integrate into the country.
“By far the best podcast I've come across for settling into this very specific culture - enlightening, informative, and generally just fun to listen to!”
"Living internationally and then coming back to Denmark, the show has been really entertaining (and educational!) to listen to"
"It’s super interesting and funny to hear our [Danish] ways of being being broken down like this!"